The International Trade Centre (ITC) is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, focusing on developing the export capabilities of small and medium-sized businesses in developing and transition economies. ITC is 100% "Aid for Trade", supporting trade that delivers inclusive and sustainable development results.

In close collaboration with the Government of the Republic of The Gambia, ITC is implementing a number of private sector development initiatives in The Gambia including the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP), SheTrades Gambia, initiatives under the UN Peacebuilding fund and the Jobs Skills and Finance (JSF) Project. These initiatives take a market-driven approach to enhance employability and self-employment opportunities, foster growth and competitiveness of micro and small-sized enterprises and boost value addition and market linkages.

The ‘Biodigester’ project is part of the larger JSFs overarching focus on promoting a green and appropriate technologies. Many households in the Gambia especially the rural Gambia use solid fuels and inappropriate stoves for cooking which imposes adverse environmental and climate change effects. These effects immensely contribute to increase poverty rates, crimes and food insecurity resulting from the cutting down of trees and burning of fossil fuels for energy supplies.

With these challenges, the JSF program will support the piloting of a Biodigester by installing biodigesters in selected pastoral field school as a source of reliable and free energy, replacing traditional wood-burning cookstoves with a cleaner, healthier, and eco-friendly alternative. The technology would also provide pathogen-free manure which would serve as fertilizer and produce biogas as an alternate form of energy to reduce/replace charcoal and firewood.

ITC is looking for an experienced trainer to implement a training of trainers (TOT) with specific focus on biodigester production, installation, operation, maintenance, bi-product harvesting and marketing. The TOT participants are Local Market Actors (LMA) interested in the technology, the participants will also include experts from the Department of Livestock (DLS) from the ministry of Agriculture in The Gambia. These participants are expected to work on subsequent step-down trainings in the urban areas and in rural Gambia to support income generation in ways that encourage sustainable development.

Download the terms of reference in the downloadables for more information. 

Proposals should be submitted to ITC no later than 30 March 2022. Proposals can be sent via email to with the subject “Biodigester ToT” or delivered as a hard copy to International Trade Centre 

Sait Matty Road 


The Gambia.