Request for Quote: Supervision of the Construction for Farafenni Lumo and Refurbishment for Jarra Soma Youth Center
The Gambia
Begins April 22nd
Ends May 02nd
ITC invites interested companies to forward their quotations for the supervision of construction of the Modern Lumo and Refurbishment of Jarra Soma Youth Center.

Offered by:
International Trade Centre
Job Offer: National Trade Facilitation Expert – The Gambia
The Gambia
Begins October 04th
Ends October 20th
International Trade Centre is inviting applications from highly motivated and qualified candidates for the position of a National Trade Facilitation Expert – The Gambia.

Offered by:
International Trade Centre
Terms of Reference: Procurement of Office Equipment
The Gambia
Begins September 26th
Ends October 04th
ITC is looking for a registered company to procure and deliver office equipment stated in the term of reference.

Offered by:
The Gambia
Register with ITC-Gambia
Begins April 25th
Ends May 02nd
International Trade Centre - The Gambia is inviting youth and women-owned multimedia companies to register on its system and be given consideration for opportunities.

Offered by:
International Trade Centre
Job Offer: Operations and Administrative Assistant – LICA 5
The Gambia
Begins February 06th
Ends February 13th
International Trade Centre is inviting applications for the position of Operations and Administrative Assistant.

Offered by:
International Trade Centre
Training on Food Safety Systems
Great Banjul Area
Begins December 04th
Ends December 08th
The Food Safety and Quality Authority (FSQA) is inviting applications from beach bar owners within the TDA to train on food safety skills. As part of “Youth Empowerment Project” being implemented by The Gambia in partnership with the International Trade Centre, and financed by the European Union, FSQA is seeking to enhance the capacity of young entrepreneurs in food safety skills as part of its fo...

Offered by:
Food Safety and Quality Authority of The Gambia (FSQA)
Tour Guide Training
Begins November 20th
Ends November 24th
Would you like to help visitors interested in discovering The Gambia? Are you a youth interested in tour guiding in and around Janjabureh? Apply for this training! Participants will be trained in guiding with the main purpose of qualifying as local guides to cover Janjanburay and its surroundings sites and to provide satisfactory guiding services to visitors. The training will take place in Janjan...

Offered by:
Women's Mentoring Scheme
Paradise Suites Hotel
Begins November 11th
Ends November 11th
YEP in partnership with Bridging Gaps Advisory invites women to participate in this opportunity. The Mentoring Scheme is a unique opportunity for selected young women to be matched with experienced female professionals to gain one-to-one advice, support and guidance. In addition, the selected women will be invited to join the Women’s Leadership Forum on Saturday 11 November 2017 at Paradise Suites...

Offered by:
Bridging Gaps Advisory
Video Competition
Begins November 01st
Ends November 30th
Are you a creative mind? Are you passionate about quality and wish to showcase your talents and ideas? Here’s the opportunity…Hurry up and take advantage!! Theme: “Quality as a driver of business excellence and access to markets”

Offered by:
The Gambia Standards Bureau (TGSB)
Poster Competition
Begins November 01st
Ends November 30th
Are you a creative mind? Are you passionate about quality and wish to showcase your talents and ideas? Here’s the opportunity…Hurry up and take advantage!! Theme: “Quality as a driver of business excellence and access to markets”

Offered by:
The Gambia Standards Bureau (TGSB)
Training Courses on Agricultural Skills Development
Sapu (CRR) | Yundum (WCR)
Begins December 01st
Ends March 31st
Are you a youth with an interest in developing agricultural skills and creating employment for yourself? You can enrol now in series of trainings on agricultural skills development. The Gambia National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) are partnering through the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) to create a new generation of young agricultural entrepren...

Offered by:
National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
Gambian Entrepreneurship Foundation Course
Begins November 06th
Ends November 30th
The Gambian Entrepreneurship Foundation Course is an online training program targeted at aspiring young Gambian entrepreneurs. This course, which contains 8 hours of training spread out across 6 topics, provides an understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship as a way for young people to overcome difficult economic conditions, the risks and rewards of being an entrepreneur, ways of identify...

Offered by:
ITC SME Trade Academy
Drawing & Painting competition
Are you a talented young Gambian artist? Would you like to be remunerated to have your art depicted in the walls of the Janjanbureh Youth Centre and win a two-week mentorship programme on arts entrepreneurship?

Offered by:
National Centre for Arts and Culture
Course on Quality Management (NBR and CRR)
Begins November 06th
Ends November 10th
The Gambia Standards Bureau (TGSB) invites interested youths in NBR and CRR to apply for a place in the Training Course on Quality Management, which will be conducted from 6th to 10th November 2017.

Offered by:
The Gambia Standards Bureau (TGSB)
Training on Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) Production and Use
Auroville Earth Institute, India
Begins December 04th
Ends December 14th
The Youth Empowerment Project (YEP Gambia) in partnership with Startup Incubator Gambia is organizing a 10-day Training programme on Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) production and use, from the 4th to the 14th December 2017 at Auroville Earth Institute, India for 15 trainees

Offered by:
Startup Incubator Gambia
SheTrades Global
Liverpool, UK
Begins June 26th
Ends June 28th
Are you a young female Gambian entrepreneur? Apply to join the Gambian delegation for SheTrades Global 2018. SheTrades Global is the anchor event on women in the economy during the International Business Festival (IBF), and will host 600 companies to learn and do business.

Offered by:
ITC SheTrades
Business Plan Clinic
LRR (Mansakonko)
Begins November 23rd
Ends December 03rd
5-day training in how to prepare business plans, offered by NEDI in partnership with YEP.

Offered by:
National Enterprise Development Initiative (NEDI)
YESGambia Pitching Contest
Begins October 10th
Ends October 20th
Do you have an amazing business idea or concept for a social enterprise? Enter the #YESGambia Pitching Contest and you could win #CASH, free access to business services and mentoring. Only one catch: You have only two (2) minutes to convince the judges! #TwoMinutes.

Offered by:
Entrepreneurship Training
WCR (Bwiam) / NBR (Njawara)
Begins November 02nd
Ends November 06th
5-day training in entrepreneurship and starting a business in the Gambia, offered by NEDI in partnership with YEP.

Offered by:
National Enterprise Development Initiative (NEDI)
Entrepreneurship Trainings (EMPRETEC) 2017
Brikama, GBA, Basse, Janjanbureh, Farafeni, Mansakonko, KMC
Begins October 23rd
Ends November 18th
The Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW) of the YEP is based on the Empretec model which is a 6-days intensive and uninterrupted training program that provides an opportunity for the participants to develop behavioral competencies of successful entrepreneurs, strengthen and enhance those behaviours while encouraging the practice of these competencies in their business.

Offered by: